Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium citrate is a liquid preparation used to cleanse the bowel in preparation for abdominal surgery. It is a very salty drink that after ingestion will cause you to have stools until your bowels are emptied.
The day before your surgery, you should have your last “real” meal by 12 or 1 pm. No later than 1 pm you will need to drink the bottle of magnesium citrate prescribed by your surgeon. You need to stay home after ingesting this. You are allowed clear liquids after the magnesium citrate up until midnight, at which time you are to have nothing to eat, drink, smoke, or chew until after your surgery. Clear liquids include 7 Up, chicken broth, Jell-O, WATER, apple juice, cranberry juice etc. (anything you can see through). No orange juice or coffee is allowed.
It is important that you do consume clear liquids until midnight (or until you go to bed, whichever comes first) so you do not become dehydrated.
Hibiclens is a soapy solution used the night before and the morning of your surgery. It is used to lower the bacterial load on your skin, thus decreasing the risk of infection. While showering, scrub your entire body from the neck down. Do not put any lotion, powder, etc on after showering. Please ask the hospital for this at your pre-op appointment with them.
Ambien is a sleeping medication that may be taken the three evenings prior to surgery (one pill each night). This is optional, and used at patient discretion. It is important that you get adequate sleep before surgery.
Pain is tolerated differently by everyone. When assessing pain we use a pain scale of 0-10; 0 being no pain, 5 being noticeable, and 10 being the worst. After your surgery you will most likely have some pain and nothing will take it away completely, but we want you to be comfortable. We want you to stay on top of your pain with the pain prescriptions you were given. Once pain becomes out of control it is harder to gain control again. Manage your pain closely and carefully.
NARCOTICS This may be prescribed to you for your post surgical pain. You may take one to two pills every four to six hours as needed to help control your pain. After the first 24-48 hours you may begin to decrease your dose or allow more time to pass between doses. Percocet is helpful for incisional pain.
NON STEROIDAL ANTI INFLAMMATORY This may be recommended for you to help control your pain after the first 24-48 hours. You may substitute ibuprofen for the pain meds you were given. Ibuprofen can be used every eight hours or as directed by your doctor unless you have a history of stomach problems or ulcers. Ibuprofen is helpful for crampy and achy pain.
Pain medication can be sedating and can impair your judgment and your ability to perform daily activities. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking pain medication.
ESTROGEN REPLACEMENT Estrogen replacement will be prescribed only if your ovaries will be removed during surgery. You will start this medication after you are discharged from the hospital. Instructions regarding dosage will be on the prescription bottle, and your physician will discuss this medication with you preoperatively.
Pain meds can increase constipation. The following are suggestions to help ease this condition:
DIET. Foods high in fiber will promote healthy bowels. Avoid gas producing foods or foods that are difficult to digest, for example beans or cabbage.
FLUIDS. Drink plenty of water. It will also help to eat foods that are high in water content.
STOOL SOFTENER. Stool softeners should be taken while you are taking your pain meds. You may pick up an over-the-counter stool softener product. Use as directed on the package.
LAXATIVES. If it has been more than two days since your last bowel movement you can try a stimulant laxative, such as Miralax or a milk of magnesia product. Use as directed on the package.
Please call the office at (307) 734-1005 if you have any further questions, and ask for the nursing desk.
Pain meds can increase constipation. The following are suggestions to help ease this condition:
- DIET. Foods high in fiber will promote healthy bowels. Avoid gas producing foods or foods that are difficult to digest, for example beans or cabbage.
- FLUIDS. Drink plenty of water. It will also help to eat foods that are high in water content.
- STOOL SOFTENER. Stool softeners should be taken while you are taking your pain meds. You may pick up an over-the-counter colace product. Use as directed on the package.
- LAXATIVES. If it has been more than two days since your last bowel movement you can try a stimulant laxative, such as Miralax or a milk of magnesia product. Use as directed on the package.
After your surgery you may:
- Shower day after surgery
- Start exercise slowly with walking and increase gradually
- Returning to work is different for everyone; please consult with your surgeon
- You may drive once you are no longer taking pain medication during the day. Please refer to recommendations/directions on medication package.
Please do NOT do the following activities for 6 weeks after your surgery:
- No bathing, swimming, or hot tub use
- No intercourse for 6 weeks
- No lifting greater than 8 pounds (approximately one gallon of milk)
Please do NOT do the following activities for 2 weeks after your surgery:
- No bathing, swimming, or hot tub use
- No intercourse for 2 weeks
- No lifting greater than 8 pounds (approximately one gallon of milk)
- Experience UNCONTROLLABLE PAIN. If none of the tips for pain control are working, please call our office.
- DEVELOP PAIN IN YOUR LOWER LEG. Pain, redness or swelling after a period of inactivity needs to be addressed immediately.
- Are experiencing CHEST PAIN OR SHORTNESS OF BREATH. This needs to be addressed immediately.
- Notice SIGNS OF INFECTION. Includes redness, swelling, and heat at the incision, increasing pain, or odor. Please call our office for evaluation.
- Experience symptoms of a BLADDER INFECTION. This may include frequency of urination or burning with urination.
- Are experiencing unusual BLEEDING. If you are saturating more than a large pad in 60 minutes and/or have tennis ball size clots please call our office.
Gros Ventre OB/GYN
Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
After hours:
St. John’s Medical Center Operator
307-733-3636, ask to have the OB/GYN provider on call paged.